Vesivek Group’s Whistleblowing service

Vesivek’s Whistleblowing channel is a tool to promote our company’s open, honest and transparent operations. It helps us to maintain and develop our ethical practices while also improving the confidence of those around us in our operations.

Please note that customer feedback, complaints or purely company-related development requests should be addressed to the appropriate responsible persons.

What can be reported?

In their work, all Vesivek Group employees are required to comply with our Group guidelines and legislation that apply to our company. If a person has a strong suspicion of abuse, they can report it through this channel. Reports must always be made in good faith.

A report can be submitted in the following cases, for example: bribery, favouritism, alteration of information, abuse of company benefits, intimidation or pressure, abuse of office or position, private interests, etc.

Who can use the service?

Both Vesivek Group employees and external stakeholders can use the reporting channel. We encourage you to primarily contact one of the supervisors in our organisation. If you feel that you cannot share your information openly, you have the opportunity to share your concerns anonymously through this channel.

Confidential processing

A report can also be made anonymously. The Whistleblowing channel is administered by an external service provider, and the platform is encrypted and password-protected. The identity of an anonymous whistleblower is therefore fully protected. The reports are processed confidentially and in accordance with the EU directive by the team appointed by Vesivek Group. The name of the person submitting a report will not be published, and they will not face any negative consequences for submitting the report.

This is how the process proceeds: 

  • The whistleblower will receive an acknowledgement within seven (7) days of submitting the report. ​
  • We will inform the whistleblower of the measures taken on the basis of the report within three (3) months.