Gutters with up to 60 years warranty
When it comes to stormwater drainage, Vesivek has lived up to its name as a pioneer in the industry. We brought to Finland the first gutter machines that revolutionised the gutter business, allowing gutters to be manufactured on-site and seamlessly, directly to the dimensions of the eaves. Since then, we have developed the Arvo gutter, the only gutter that is seamless, stainless and free from stripe stains. You won’t find a better gutter than that.

No skimping on materials.
We do not accept just any steel for Vesivek’s patented gutter brackets. The material used is the ultra-hard special steel used in the automotive industry, among others. The material and optimised design make the brackets the strongest on the market. For gutter brackets, we do not settle for the 0.5 mm standard but go one step further and use 0.6 mm steel.
Response guaranteed.
It is easy to guarantee the quality of the products manufactured in our own factory by our own employees. Our product warranty lasts up to 60 years, and our installation warranty is five years.

Protect your new home.
Rainwater and roof safety systems should be designed carefully and in time to ensure the functionality and safety of your new home. Products that are dimensioned or installed incorrectly or that are of poor quality are a risk for the structures and the residents. When chosen correctly, roofing products are also beautiful and will enhance the appearance of your property.
Take advantage of Vesivek's expertise.
In new construction projects, the stormwater system and rainwater diversion should be designed early, so that they can be accounted for in other phases of the work. Our Vesivek specialist helps you in the choice of roof products and scheduling in your construction project.
Arvo gutters crown your home.
Surely you don’t want the gleaming facade of your new home to be marred by streaked and dirty gutters in a few years’ time? Choose an Arvo gutter from Vesivek, your new home is worth it.
Choose ARVO – the most durable and beautiful gutter in the market
If you are looking for a durable gutter requiring little maintenance, choose Vesivek’s Arvo. Made from powder coated aluminium, it is the only stripe-free, seam-free and rustproof gutter on the market.

Vesivek Arvo – stripe-free gutter
- The outer brim prevents dirty water from running on the side of the gutter – no more stripe stains!
- The outside gutter brackets also make cleaning the gutters easy.
- Custom made for your home – no leaking gutter extensions!
- Smooth, finished downpipe bends.
- Maximum water flow.
- The most durable brackets.
When is the right time for a gutter renovation?
An inadequate rainwater system has been identified as one of the most common causes of moisture damage to properties. You usually have to pay for the damage yourself, as insurance will not cover damage caused by an inadequate rainwater system. It is therefore advisable to maintain your gutters regularly and check their condition, for example, every spring and autumn. The following signs indicate that a renovation is needed.

Leaking gutters
Leaking gutters are an obvious sign that the rainwater system is reaching the end of its service life. The gutter has either perforated due to corrosion or the seams of the joints have failed. If the gutter or downpipe surface is rusty or scaling, you should ask a professional to assess the situation before there is more damage.

Bent gutters
The attachment of gutters can fail, for example, due to the weight of snow. A bent gutter reduces water flow significantly and water stands still in the gutter, flows over and accumulates debris. The gutters can withstand heavy snow and ice well, provided the brackets are strong and the installation is done correctly.

Remember also roof safety
Snow guards and roof walkways are an essential part of a safe roof. Snow guards protect the yard and your family but are also an important link in moisture control. When the snow melts on the roof, meltwater is prevented from reaching the walls and structures. A ladder and roof walkways are needed to allow, for example, a snow plough operator to carry out their work safely.
How much does a gutter renovation cost? Monthly instalments from EUR 50/month
Several factors affect the price of a roof renovation. That’s why our offer is always based on an on-site survey by an expert. When comparing prices, you should never consider the total sum alone, but the overall contents of the offer as well.
Financing decision quickly – no more standing in line in the bank
A Vesivek Account is a flexible and secure way to pay for your renovation. Using the Account, you can make payments the way that suits you best – either as a one-time payment with a payment term of 30 days or by dividing the charge into suitable monthly instalments. You can calculate the monthly instalment and apply for a financing decision in advance already before meeting Vesivek’s representative.
How may we help you?