Get the condition of your home's stone foundation inspected for free!
The service life of underdrains is around 30 to 40 years. The condition of the drainage system should be actively monitored especially in houses built before the 1990s, because defective drains can cause serious moisture-related problems for the house, such as various mould and indoor air problems. Stop worrying about it and book a free condition inspection of the plinth now! You will get a clear report about the condition of the plinth and drains, as well as information on possible moisture risks in the house.

Is the stone foundation wet?
A condition assessment made by a Vesivek expert includes a survey of the moisture content of your house’s stone foundation, inspection of the general condition of the drainage and rainwater system, inspection of the gradings of the yard and a review on how water coming from the roof is directed. The drains can be inspected with a special camera according to need.
Anticipate risks and save on costs
The report can save up to tens of thousands of euros, if latent defects or hidden problems are found in time. A common example of this is the moisture festering in the stone foundation, which, as time passes, spreads from the foundation to other structures in the house, causing damage and indoor air problems. The further the problem spreads, the more expensive the repairs will always become, but fortunately a timely drainage renovation usually helps ventilate and dry the stone foundation back to mint condition!
You get a report free of charge
You will receive a written report on the condition of the plinth, which can be useful, for example, in connection with the sale of the house. The condition assessment and report are free and do not require any further action from the home owner. If you wish, you will receive an offer of proposed corrective measures if, for example, the survey indicates that the underdrains do not work.
This is how a condition inspection is carried out

Agree on a time
We will contact you by phone and find out more about the type of your house. On the basis of this initial discussion we can agree on a site inspection. Our expert arrives at a time convenient to you, and you may attend the inspection.

Plinth condition inspection
The expert evaluates the condition of the stone foundation and measures moisture content levels, inspects the general condition of drainage and rainwater systems and investigates other possible moisture risk factors. The drains can be inspected with a special camera according to need.

A written condition report
Once the assessment is finished, you will receive a written condition report detailing the expert’s observations and results of the inspection. If defects and repair needs are identified in the condition report, you may wish to request a quote for corrective measures. We go through the condition report together either face to face or remotely.
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